In some severely freezing cold climates, most of the time, water or chemical pipelines often needs to be heat traced to achieve pipe freeze protection. However, merely concentrating on thermal insulation of pipes is absolutely not enough to ensure pipe freeze protection. As you can see, A drill pipe with 25 mm thick insulation at 5°C will quickly reach freezing point in less than an hour in an ambient temperature of -10°C. What's more, steam at 150°C is not a viable fuel source that can be used for freeze protection. Above all, the cold condensate return water will definitely freeze in this operation process. In view of those factors, an electric heat tracing cable with much lower output power is exactly a cost-effective and highly efficient option that can meet your various needs.
For those reasons, we highly recommend the following types of heat tracing products, which are included but not limited to self-regulating heating cable, parallel constant wattage heating cable and RDC series constant wattage heating cable.
- Self-Regulating Heating Cable
- Parallel Constant Wattage Heating Cable
- Series Constant Watt Heating Cable RDC
Shenzhuan is a manufacturer of heating cables and heat trace cables, with years of experience in providing electrical heat tracing solutions for a broad range of heating applications. We are ISO9001 accredited company for engineering and manufacturing heat tracing products. Our goal is to manufacture and supply premium heating cables to make sure that the electrical heating systems at customers' sites operate in a safe and optimal condition. If you are looking for products like roof deicing cable, gutter deicing cable, snow melting cable, pipe freeze protection cable, Shenzhuan will be your reliable heating cable supplier.